How to succeed first rigged lines

Just like the choice of rod or bait, line rigs are an interesting and often exciting topic. Discussions between fishermen can be very long sometimes making the learning complicated for those who want to learn how to rig. Yet, there is no magic in the choice of floats, wire or knots and the first lines can be created more quickly than you think. What better way is there to fill your long winter nights as you dream of all the wonderful fish out there for you to catch...

Please take a look at all our tips to help you succeed when making your first lines for the new season.

The 5 point line

The line consists of 5 major points to remember:

1 -The main line - In nylon wire.
2 -The float -Indicates a touch and supports the line.
3 -The jighead - Balances the line in the water for a good presentation of the bait.
4 -The leader -Thinner nylon wire and more discreet than the main line.
5 -The hook -To attach the bait and strike the fish.

For storage and transport, the line is wound round a holder. Check that it is sufficiently long and wide to avoid damaging the float

The main line

The main line is the basis of your rig. Usually made from nylon wire, this is the part of the line that will be attached to the tip of the rod. It is also to the main line that the float and ballasts will be fixed. Its length can vary from 2m to 7m and the wire diameter ranges from 18/100 for fishing large specimens (carp, tench, bream) to 8/100 for delicate fishing of small white fish (roach, bleak, rudd).


Key element of the line, the float plays several roles at once. It should indicate the touch of the fish when it grabs the bait and must also support the weighted line allowing it to drift naturally. To compare floats on this point, the load capacity (the mass needed to adjust the balance)is expressed in grammes on the float.

The choice of shape of the float is based on the current in the area where you want to fish.

A stab float for fishing in flowing waters such as rivers, canals or rivers.

An elongated float is very sensitive to touch since it offers less resistance to the flow. It is used in areas where the current is zero (lake, pond).

To fix the float, just thread the main line through the eye and then through the ring which is then slipped over the keel. Thereafter, you can adjust the float by sliding it along the line

#Caperlan Tip
For improved fixing of the float, cut the sheath in two and place the two bits at each end of the keel. 

Weighting the line

Commonly called jighead, weighting balances the float and keeps the line taut in the water for a good presentation of the bait. Weights come in many forms:
-Pierced or split spherical sinkers: These are most commonly used to weight the line. Round in shape, they are available in several weights.
-Pierced or split olives: elongated in shape, the olive provides a significant mass and weight to a specific point of the line. For heavy lines used for fishing in currents.

Distributing the jighead:

These 5 types of jighead can cope with many situations : A good distribution of weights is essential for a good balance of the line. The examples below can deal with many situations.

Example 1: distribution type for fishing small fish with bloodworms / pinkies (pond, lake).
Example 2 : rig for fishing for white fish with maggots in ponds and lakes.
Example 3 : this type of jighead is used for bottom fishing.
Example 4 : a sliding jighead keeps the line in the current efficiently, while retaining flexibility for the presentation of the bait.
Example 5 : this rig is very effective for fishing for bream in the river.

#Caperlan Tip

One trick is to position a small round sinker between the main jighead and the hook. When touched, the fish does not detect the float reacting. It's down to you to stay focused so you don't miss this gentle touch, revealed thanks to the touch sinker.

The leader

Thinner than the main line, the diameter of the wire can vary from 14/1000 for large specimens up to 6/1000 for small and more suspicious white fish.
With a length of 15-40 cm, it is connected to the main line with a simple and efficient rig: "a loop in loop".
Start by making a loop at the end of the main line and leader.

Once the two loops at each end are ready, you just need to pass one through the other to create a simple and secure link.

If the line is then pulled on too strongly, the break will happen on the leader. Then, you will simply need to rig up a new leader in the same way without having to start the whole line again.

The hooks

For arming the line, using spade-end hooks is recommended as they are more discreet than hooks with eyelets. A round-shaped hook (1) will be preferable for fishing with seed while a crystal hook (2) will suit most baits.

The size of the hook is defined according to the size of the bait. The rule of "small bait = small hook size and big bait = large hook size = generally applies. 


- Extra thin iron: No. 22-26 for bloodworms
- Thin iron: No. 16-22 for fishing with maggots
If you decide to use barbless hooks in order not to hurt the fish once it has been struck, you will have to remain vigilant when fishing to ensure you never release tension on the wire by keeping the line permanently taut.

By following these steps, you will quickly discover how to successfully rig your first lines yourself. This is a great way to get some perspective and better prepare your future outings. And the pleasure is even greater when catching fish with a line which you rigged yourself...